Friday, September 16, 2022

Another Fun Topic To Discuss, Dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Oh, my God!  "The Bad Seed Returns."  This is a sequel to the 2018 redux Rob Lowe starred in and directed, where he updated the William March novel and Maxwell Anderson stage classic, which became the classic 1956 Warner Bros. film, immortalized by, among others, Nancy Kelly, and Patty McCormack.  With the update, the plot was kept, some characters changed.  Rob Lowe took on the Nancy Kelly role, which did not work, but the actress who played Chloe, the Leroy/Henry Jones role, was outstanding.  McKenna Grace did her best as the now named Emma, but, unlike McCormack, it did not work for me that she could fool everyone.

                                        The 2018 film had some original deaths, like the Miss Fern character stung by a beehive planted in her car, and a climax in which Emma, essentially, kills her own father. Nice.

                                         Now, four years later, Emma is tall, pubescent and blonde.  She looks like the classic Mean Girl, but the real ones in school have nothing on her.  Though she tries and hides her meanness from those she plays up to, she is given an antagonist, in the person of Lola, played by Gabriela Bee, who attended Emma's old school, transfers to her high school, and lets her know she is on to her.  This is really the only tension in the film.  The ending is anticlimactic, and leaves room for another Emma film.

                                           Who thought Rhoda Penmark, now morphed into Emma, would become a film franchise?  Many thought the cycle had been completed when, in 1995, Patty McCormack herself played a grown-up version of her character in a film called "Mommy."  Here, she stops at nothing so that her daughter gets everything she wants.  Nice twist.

                                               McCormack shows up for seconds in this current film, as Dr, March, whom Emma is also fooling, as March thinks she is succeeding in helping her, which is false.  Patty probably shot her scene on a screen and sent it to the studio.   I don't blame her; at 77, how could she be bothered with such a dumb script?

                                                  I shouldn't spoil things for you, dears, but, really, it doesn't matter here.  Emma, having crushed her uncle underneath a car, leaving him permanently disabled, sets fire to the house, and exits with Baby Mickey, whom she had tried to kill in the beginning.  The police arrive, find her aunt and uncle dead, and she is holding the baby as if she loves it, but, of course, looks malevolently at the camera.  How else could this end, unless Emma was killed?  And that does not look like it will happen for a long time.

                                                    Mark my words, girls.  The next entry in the series will be "The Bad Seed Goes To College."  You can bet she will get a 4.0--no matter what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. YES!! I’m here for it!!
    The Bad Seed Goes To College
    The Bad Seed Goes To Grad School
    The Bad Seed Gets Married
    The Bad Seed Gives Birth to Bad Seedlings

  2. Victoria,
    I like "The Bad Seed Gives Birth To Bad Seedlings."
    It ends with all the children killing their mother!
