Friday, September 23, 2022

Darlings, If You Have A Fire Escape, Then You Have A Terrace Apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Remember, during "America" in "West Side Story," when Anita sings, "I'll get a terrace apartment?"   What she did not realize was that she already had one.

                                      Fire escapes, while functional, are like terraces.  I have seen them decorated in myriad ways, putting plants out there in Spring and Summer, even one near our apartment hanging out an LGBQT flag.

                                          Yes, girls, fire escapes can be your own personal terrace.  I have even seen people sitting out on them, reading books.  I just happen to prefer the comfort of the indoors in my reading chair.

                                             So, stop dreaming of that terrace apartment, girls.  You already have it.

                                              If only Anita had known!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’ve been reading apartment reviews for entertainment and while there are Many legitimate complaints, people do have sense of humor!! Like, no pets are allowed unless you count the rats and mice romping freely about the building!! Or, my upstairs neighbor must wear cement shoes!! Or, the manager must never have been hugged as a child!!
    Seriously tho, my heart goes out to all you long suffering apartment dwellers!!
    How high can rents go before there’s a revolt ?!!!

  2. Victoria,

    I await the revolution and the downfall of rents.
    But not in my lifetime, I think. I have been
    lucky with apartments, particularly with David!
