Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Girls, If One Is To Be A Prostitute, Be An Elegant, Victorian One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Prostitutes in Victorian times may have looked hardened with age, but they dressed better, and with elegance.  There was a bit of mystery and class to it, back then, that is sorely missing now.

                                                   That whole Betty Page show-your-garters thing, and then skirts so high as to leave no room for mystery, practically showing the cooch--oh, my God! how disgusting and disgraceful.

                                                      Nineteenth century ladies of the evening--what a refined term--dressed better and acted better.  It may have been the bottom of the heap, but there was still a kind of dignity to it.  Plus, a lack of obviousness that is missing today.

                                                          Bring back the Victorian prostitute look.  The girls today dress like they emerged from a garbage dump.

                                                            Unfortunately, maybe some of them did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Family Guy did an episode in which Brian and Stewie solved mysteries in the Victorian era.
    Love that’s fresh and still unspoiled, love that’s only slightly soiled...


  2. Victoria,

    I think I saw it. Wasn't it a spoof
    of Holmes and Watson?

  3. Yes!! You saw it!!!
    So funny and so SO silly!!!

  4. Victoria,
    It was so inspired, putting them in that time period!

  5. Family Guy references classic films, plays, art, literature, music, even Greek mythology!!
