Friday, September 23, 2022

Take A Good Look At These Actresses, And Guess What They Are Going To Do? The Answer Is "Girls, You Have GOT To Be Kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         The young lady on the left is Sophie Anne Caruso, who was so good as Lydia in the original Broadway production of the musical, "Beetlejuice."  The woman on the right is Lea Salonga, who has been a Broadway star since "Miss Saigon," which opened on April 11, 1991.  She is also a better Eponine than Fantine in "Les Misérables."  There is no doubt about her vocal talents.

                                           But I have some doubts about the project they are going to undertake.  Are you ready, darlings???????????  Frank Wildhorn, of "Jekyll And Hyde" fame is writing a musical version of--are you ready--"The Song Of Bernadette."  Yes, dears, you heard me right.

                                             Miss Caruso will be playing the role of Bernadette, immortalized and Oscared by Jennifer Jones, while Lea Salonga will play the Anne Revere role of Bernadette's mother Louise Soubirous, brilliant in the 1943 screen masterpiece, and earning for her an Oscar nomination.  Many have said that her Oscar in 1945 as Best Supporting Actress in "National Velvet," was for losing out when she really should have won for "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                               This is actually being aimed for Broadway.  I doubt if it lasts one night.  But, if it should, I will boycott it, by standing in front of the stage door, with a rosary.  The very IDEA of desecrating "The Song Of Bernadette."  Mary, Mother of God, please intervene!

                                                 I am sure visions of TONYS dance in Wildhorn's head., He is the only one.  The show is still being workshopped--in Wisconsin.  Only the two leads have been officially cast. Is this some kind of Ponzi scheme?

                                                    Are you with me, girls?  Do not let this screen classic be desecrated.

                                                    Besides, in today's climate, who is the Broadway demographic for this???????????????

                                                      Bernadette deserves better.  Which she got, back in 1943.



  1. Completely irrelevant, but:,of%20them%20on%20September%2026!
    And it's not even Shrewd Toads Day.

  2. Tom,
    So good to hear from you. Where are you, and what are you up to?
    National Pancake Day for me is Shrove Tuesday, but any excuse for
    pancakes is OK with me. We are fine in Bay Ridge, thank God for
    Svengoolie on Saturday night!
