Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Wouldn't It Be Wonderful To Return To The World Of "Goodnight, Moon??????????????????"

                                      Whether child or adult, who can resist this picture of tranquility?  I would love to step inside it for several minutes, if not decorate a room like this, all to myself?  I mean, how peaceful!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I have long maintained "Goodnight, Moon" is not a book just for kids.  It tranquilizes adults into a sense of security unseen since childhood and keeps them there for its duration. The blend of colors, and their brightness is just perfect.

                                             So, I have posted this pic to give readers that.  When you are feeling stressed out, simply stare into the picture, and be magically transported.

                                             It could do one better than Xanax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Amen don’t we all need a sense of security!
    Today’s my husband’s 69th birthday.
    He’s weird about birthdays; you can’t say or do anything right.
    I just tell the kids to call or text.
    And we go out to dinner.
    That’s about it.
    I feel sad for him, even though he brings it upon himself with his grouchy behavior.

  2. Victoria,
    Happy Birthday to your husband!
    You should do something, making it
    this far is a cause for celebration.
