Saturday, October 1, 2022

Girls, Join Us All Tonight, For "Svengoolie's Halloween Boo Nanza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              There has been so much excitement in this house over this forthcoming event.  I am telling you, girls, Baby Gojira, Kerwyn, and especially little Pippin can hardly contain themselves.

                              Remember, this week the fun starts at seven, not at eight.  First, there is the hour special, which I have no idea what is planned, but is sure to be lots of fun.  Then, the feature film is the Karen Black classic "Trilogy Of Terror," from 1975, the same year as her stellar performance in Altman's masterwork, "Nashville."  This is the one where Karen is menaced by a miniature killer voodoo doll, and you have got to see Karen giving it her all, playing opposite an inanimate object!  It defies everything, darlings, but Karen never lets her professional guard down.  Hats off to her.  But the doll still steals the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And, following that, there will be the season premiere of "Sventoonie," complete with Blob E. Blob, whom we all love, and is little Pippin's favorite.   It will be interesting to see what film is chosen for deconstruction this evening.  Awhile back, I made a list of films I thought should get the "Sventoonie" treatment.  If I did not list it before, I would like to mention the 1981 "Deadly Blessing," with Ernest Borgnine.  Ironic he turned to horror as an acting genre, after having been married to Ethel Merman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Be sure to share all the fun with us tonight, darlings!

                                    Truly, it will be the highlight for us all, this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     See you at 7PM, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,
    It was so much fun. Karen
    Black interacting with a killer
    voodoo doll has to be seen to
    be believed.
    And the film Sventoonie chose
    to deconstruct was 1962's "Eegah!,"
    one of the worst movies ever made.
