Monday, October 17, 2022

Girls, This Week "American Horror Story" Deals With A Reality Many Of Us Live With Each Day--New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I am sure the series means New York City, and that most of it will take place in Manhattan.  Although the other boroughs should not be overlooked, either, as each of them has their own fair share of creepiness and horror.

                             But I do have questions--will the murder of Kitty Genovese be reenacted?   O how about the 1972 killing of Roseann Quinn, which inspired Judith Rossner to writer "Looking For Mr. Goodbar?'  How about Alice Crimmins, in Queens?  And Son of Sam, aka David Berkowitz, all over the place???????????????

                             New York has faced its own share of horrors over the years, and each of us who has lived here has had our own bunch of horrific experiences.  So, there is plenty of material for this, the eleventh season.  I am just as curious as anyone to see how it is used.

                                  I am not sure of the cast.  I keep hearing Kathy Bates' name, but nothing confirms it. Nevertheless, we will have something to watch on Wednesdays, and discuss on here with all my girls, over coffee.

                                   No doubt, Covid, and the horrors inflicted upon the city, inspired this season.  We do not go out at night once it turns dark, for good reasons.

                                    The settings, the will be fun to see how they are used.

                                     Unfortunately, Kander and Ebb were wrong.  Those of us who make it here do so, because we cannot make it anywhere else.  Much like our suburban counterparts, who can't make it out of there, to go anywhere else!!!!!!!!!!

                                       A kind of horror, in itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh that’s an excellent idea for a blog post!
    Your top five Horrific NYC experiences!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I will have to mull over that one.
    Some of them are scary, especially in retrospect.

  3. You HAVE shared some on here
    New Jersey horrors too

  4. Victoria,

    Oh, yes, NJ has its share of horrors, too.
