Thursday, October 13, 2022

I Want My King Tut Magic Mummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   After all, girls, " a boy's best friend is his mummy!"

                                 I actually had this, when I was a child.  The red mummy magnetically fit into the blue coffin; when I would take it out, and turn the coffin upside down, it would even magnetize onto there.   The black top would seal in the mummy.

                                   But, alas, like all the toys of my childhood I often wish I had back, this one got lost, too.

                                   Of course, I had seen all the Universal Mummy movies by then.  But I was less into Egyptian culture, and more into magnetic games, and such.  So, I just loved my King Tut Magic Mummy.

                                      I wonder if they are still available?  If so, I will order one

                                      "How'd he get so funky?  King Tut!                                                                                                               Did he do The Monkey?                                                                                                                               Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia, King Tut!

                                       He was born in Arizona, got a condo made of stona! King Tut!"



  1. I often wish I had saved my childhood toys, games, and books!!
    I DID save some of my children’s things for my grandchildren!!

  2. Victoria,
    I have a few mementos from
    my childhood, mostly those associated with
    my mother. I wish I still had some of the
    toys and games, though.

    To this day, my sister's children, all grown
    wish I had saved the Hootin' Hollow Haunted House!
