Friday, October 14, 2022

Something To Consider With "All About Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       Girls, gay or straight, we all LOVE this movie.  I have always wanted to play the Celeste Holm role of Karen Richards, because she always reminded me of my Aunt Katty, (short for Kathleen) and she had the best wardrobe in the film. And I could really nail those Cub Room scenes.

                        No doubt, Eve Harrington (wonderfully portrayed by Anne Baxter0 was despicable.  I don't think anyone on here does not know the film's famous ending, where Phoebe (played by Barbara Bates) make it clear to audiences that she intends to usurp Eve.

                          What the film doesn't go to tell, but I believe, is that Eve is more in for it than Margo.  First, Eve does not have the sense to be gracious to Phoebe, as she had been to Margo, and Margo to she; second, Phoebe's coldness lacks graciousness, and while she professes idolatry of Eve, she does not come off nearly as genuine as Anne Baxter int the early part of the film.

                                Maybe that is why Jospeh L. Mankiewicz originally entitled his script "Best Performance."  Who here is really acting, and who not?  I think Phoebe will bring about the downfall of Eve, who, because of her overt grandiosity now displayed with full force, will never catch on.  So, she is not so clever as she thinks.

                                     What do you think, girls?  Would Phoebe cancel out Eve, or would the latter claim her crown?  It is fun to conjecture, even if filmed it would not work.

                                      As Karen said, "Lloyd, we've got to go."

                                    But go where????????????????????????????????


  1. Victoria,

    It sure is, and much of it today
    is not a pretty sight. I try to
    focus on what is.

  2. Amen!! What would Sister Camille say?!!

  3. Victoria,
    She is well aware, but I think tries to
    focus on the positive, and the idea of forgiveness.
