Monday, October 31, 2022

What Is With The Uptake In Pit Bulls??????????????

                          I see more and more of them every day.  Even in my neighborhood, and some have muzzles.  I know what is said, but I am leery of these creatures, who deserve a chance at living, but whom I would be afraid of he or she turning on a dime.  Sure, they look cute, sure they can be affectionate, but just at the wrong time...SNAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   And where does that leave one?

                             As I have said before, the owners of pit bulls look like convicted felons.  I am convinced they are.  Now, why is that?  Does like gravitate toward like?  Maybe, but I have another theory.

                              I have heard that at Rikers, when a convict leaves, they are given clothes, and some money to start out.  I cannot prove this, but I am also convinced they are given a pit bull, to act as a companion, or some kind of service animal?  So, more and more are seen each day.

                               Property owners and apartment dwellers may have issues about ex-cons showing up, but most times don't know.  Not so with pit bulls, who can easily be identified.  

                                 And they are always looking at my calves.  Like they want to take a great big bite out of them.

                                 My advice?  If one moves nearby, speak to the neighbors and/or take precautions.

                                 An animal should not force anyone to have to move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. My little Vivienne tries to run right up to them.
    To protect me, no doubt!!

  2. Victoria,
    Be very careful with Vivienne.
    Love of animals is encouraged, but
    these are just too uncertain. We
    all need protection from pit bulls.
