Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Can You Believe There Is Only One Month To Go??????????????????

                            That is right, darlings, eleven down, and one to go.  And then that is it for 2022.

                           It went so fast.  But let me tell you, at this end November was both a celebratory and angst ridden month.  From my birthday, to Covid, from Thanksgiving to an electrical outage during "The Wizard Of Oz," this was a month to end all months.  Thank God David mixed up a dinner date, or it would have been Typhoid Mary--me--at the table.

                              Girls, I have no idea where or how I got it, so be careful.

                              But that did not stop me from enjoying the company of my beloved David

                             Still, with Svengoolie showing some gems, book lists, and books to get read before the end of the year, November was quite a month.  How about Macy's, and Lea?  That carbon copy!

                             I tried to advocate for turkeys by suggesting peacocks as an elegant alternative.

                             But we still have a lovely birthday dinner at Positano's!

                             Still, we got through it all, and are still here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            25 days till Christmas, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. What a month indeed.
    I Never would have thought you’d end up with covid!!
    You made the best of it though

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you. It was unexpected, but
    fortunately mild. May December be better.
    And January 1 s David's birthday.

  3. Victoria,
    Yes, our anniversary. We will have been married
    six years!
