Tuesday, November 1, 2022

"For All The Saints, Who From Their Labors Rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            I wanted to do something special today to honor the saints, whom I love, so I watched a tele-mass at home, from a St. Anslem's Church, but not the one in my neighborhood.  I did all but take communion, which cannot be done this way.  Though some people, live, did not partake either.

                              I am proud of doing this.  I felt joined with God and the saints, and that I was honoring them the best I could.  It is important to remember the saints whom we pray to, and who guide us through many travails.

                                I thank every saint in my life, alive or dead.  And that includes animals too, who, by their love, comfort and affection, do God's work.

                                  So, Happy All Saints Day, to those, both alive and deceased!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Here's to saints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I know folks who do not “believe” in “organized religion”
    And that’s ok!!
    Myself, I take great comfort and strength from attending my little church every Sunday!!
    I just don’t understand the ones that seem to think, because I say I’m a Christian, that it’s a-ok to push me around.

  2. Victoria,
    It is always the ones who see themselves as
    holier than thou that do this. That's why I never
    understood the Catholic thing on mass every Sunday.
    There are probably those who go, thinking they are
    doing due diligence, but are terrible folk outside
    the church.
