Sunday, November 27, 2022

Girls, It Is Time To Welcome A New Reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And with the holidays fast approaching, how festive.  I see the follower indicator is now at 124, so I want to welcome Mistress Borghese to this blog.  I don't know, Mistress, how you found your way here, but I am glad you did.

                                            You will find fun, frolic, insight, amusement, and occasional domestic and fashion tips on here.  You will also find that, like the film version of "Valley Of The Dolls," this blog goes great with coffee.  Indeed, I have a cup beside me right now, while writing.

                                                So, welcome Mistress Borghese, from all my readers, and myself, The Raving Queen.  May this blog bring you information, entertainment, and amusement a'plenty.

                                                  And a welcome would not be complete without this blog's unofficial

song.  So, here it is--Deborah Harry singing "Call Me!" Please do!  And enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. MY....I feel as though I was the 100th shopper to come through the doors and win a shopping spree or something!!! What a warm welcome dear. And I just ADORE Blondie, however did you know???

  2. It’s his theme song for welcoming new friends!!!

  3. Mistress Maddie,

    So glad you feel welcome. I hoe you
    enjoy the time you spend here.

  4. Victoria,

    You are correct; the Blondie song
    is my theme music for welcoming new readers.
    Welcome, one and all!
