Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Girls, Wouldn't This Make The Perfect Christmas Gift???????????????????????????????

                           I might as well jump on the holiday bandwagon like everyone else, so when I saw that there are quilts available replicating board games of our youth, I was intrigued.  Of course, mine are more difficult to obtain.  There is one of Checkers, and Chutes And Ladders--which is pretty fascinating.   There was even Backgammon, Parcheesi, and some I had never seen.  How I wish they had some Parker Bros. boards--like Sorry, Careers, Risk, or Clue.  They do, however, have Monopoly.

                             My only criticism of the quilts I saw was that many, but not enough were multicolored.  And bright colors are what I am all about, dolls.  If I could afford it, I would have Amy Sedaris come here and redo the whole apartment.

                               However, what I would love most to have among the quilts is the picture I posted first of the Candy Land board from my own childhood.  I suppose I could take the image to some quilt making outfit and have it custom made, but that is getting into Amy's price range.

                                 I think the white background for the Candy Land logo and images are either a quilt or bed sheets, which I would be thrilled to have.  Same goes for the last picture, which is the best demonstration of multicolor I like, and I found on here.

                                   But isn't this a great idea?  Combining restful sleep with childhood memories?

                                    Sleep tight, my sweets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Target has blankets featuring Clue, Sorry, Connect Four, Twister, Chutes and Ladders, and more, for twenty nine dollars!!

  2. Victoria,
    Thanks for the info! I am on my way!
