Friday, December 16, 2022

Darlings, It Is Now Official--'Merrily' Is Moving Uptown To Broadway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Girls, remember, you heard it first here.  Just like did about Lindsay Mendez being the perfect Mary Flynn.

                         That the show is moving, retaining this trio, is exciting.  It will give others a chance to see it.  Though I think there should still be a CD.

                           But this will not happen till the fall of 2023.  I am sure they want some shots at TONY nods.  The venue has not been chosen, and they are talking about a new creative team, and casting, so does that mean the show will expand in size?  Which might hurt it, just like in 1981.  Incidentally, if this 'Merrily' does make it--and I believe it will--this will be the first Broadway revival of it in 42 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Pray the integrity of the piece is maintained.

                              There is no way I am going to miss THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Merrily we roll Uptown!!
    It’ll be worth the wait!!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    No doubt, but I hope they pick
    a good venue, and that we can get
