Monday, December 19, 2022

Girls, It Is Christmas Week In New York City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Since I was born, Christmas Week in NYC was always magical.  And all through my youth and early middle age, it was.

                            Of course, as a child I was secure in the safety of my parents' protection.  By my teens, I longed for when I could do it on my own.  And when I got to the city, and could, I never missed an opportunity.

                              But now, it is a different story.  David and I were in the city yesterday to see Lea Michele in "Funny Girl"--more on that, in another post--and getting off the R train at 49th Street was like walking into a city on the verge of revolutionary eruption.

                               It wasn't just crowded--that I could handle--but because Argentina won the World Cup in soccer, (which means nothing to me) hundreds, if not thousands, of these toxic masculine types were screaming, yelling, throwing off their shirts in the middle of this cold weather, while their girlfriends attempted to out scream one another.  I could sense this easily turning into a vicious mob, in these still Covid ridden times, and I instantly longed for the safety of our cozy warm apartment.

                               David wisely moved us over to Eighth Avenue, and while it was crowded, we were able to make our way to the August Wilson Theatre.  But, in this day and age, the idea of going to, say, the Rockefeller tree, "The Nutcracker," or my favorite, the tree at the Metropolitan Museum Of Arthas been dispelled. That was always a must for me, and a very spiritual experience.  The last time we attempted to go in, which I think was in 2019, hence pre-Covid, the line was down the steps and into the street!  In the cold!  Of course, this was on a weekend.  Are weekdays easier?  I doubt not, but the thing is, at my age, and with my fear of all that happens to folks in the city, and having to watch for pickpockets this season, Christmas in NYC just doesn't have the warm fuzziness it had for me, years ago.

                                Is it age?  Is it our times?  What do you think, girls?

                        See what I mean, darlings????????????????????????????????


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well dear when I came up to New York City a few weeks ago, it was during the week and it actually wasn't too bad. Being in visual display my must every year is to go see Bergdorf Goodman and their Infamous windows. I will say in this decline of department stores Bergdorf Goodman remains steady and busy always. We enjoyed lunch and dinner and then we always end up near Bryan Park which was packed. I would say that was the worst area we were in. I guess when I come I'm always lucked out and it's not been too bad. But before the pandemic I was in Rockefeller Center for 5 minutes and can you say over it. I generally tend to go to Philadelphia. Much less insane and more doable.

  3. Mistress Maddie,
    Enchante to you, too!
    You should have gone for tea at the St.
    Regis, when in town. Yes, Bergdorf Goodman
    is the last of what used to be a class act.

    As for Philly, when one, as I, has grown
    up only 35 miles from NYC, where else would
    I gravitate to?

    But I would love a house in Chestnut Hill!

    Season's Greeting, darling!
