Sunday, December 11, 2022

Girls, Please Help Me To Help Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  My feline friend, Nicholas, who saved my life, needs my help, and I do not know what to do, mainly because, while I love him, Nicholas is not my cat.

                                  A neighbor in our building owns Nicholas.  He lives with another woman who has four cats in that apartment.  The dwelling recently experienced a fire, and the woman's bedroom is now uninhabitable.  She was staying at a friend's house. This friend took in Nicholas, who, for a time, had it pretty good. I would go and visit him, the neighbors would, especially the woman, who was close friends with this dwelling's owner.  He lives on Ovington Avenue, not far from us.

                                   But things changed. The owner made it clear to Nicholas' owner that he did not want other people in his house, though how he knew this I do not know.  He also disapproved of aspects of behavior from Nicholas' owner.  Added to all that, the dwelling's owner developed Stage 4 Cancer, and underwent treatment, including radiation and chemo.  His female friend from our building took care of him, though the boiler was broken, and neither anyone in there, Nicholas included, had heat.  He made it clear he would not fix the boiler.  His friend left, as she could not stand the cold, and then he went and changed all the locks, issuing an edict that Nicholas' owner could only come and visit on weekends, and before doing so would have to call and make an appointment.

                                     Girls, I am telling you, have you ever heard of such inhumanity?  Who will take care of Nicholas during the remaining days?   What if the owner gets tired of Nicholas?   Should I get in touch with Nicholas' owner, and should we launch an aggressive attack?  Should we call animal services?  I cannot take Nicholas, because if he lived with me 24/7, I would have to live life on an asthma inhaler.  Nicholas may have to share a practically uninhabitable space with four other cats, and he would not like that one bit.

                                       If anyone out there has suggestions on how to handle this, please comment on here.  Nicholas is the most lovable cat, and it would sadden me if he were sent away to some unknown place.

                                         Help Nicholas have a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. People are crazy.
    This is so unfair to that poor cat.
    Pets give us so much, and ask for so little.
    You know I would take him in myself, if I were not so far away!!!

  2. The poor thing. It would be nice if Nicklos could go back to his owner. Can you give the cat up with the owner's knowledge? Or is it permanent the cat won't be returning to him? Since the cat is tame, well-mannered and very pretty, if he did have to go to a shelter or a ASPCA I'm sure he would be re-homed very quickly. Also you could check to see if there are any cat only shelters there in the city. I too if not so far, would take him in too. My Buster loves cats...but Lilith is another story. Keep us post!

  3. Victoria,

    I wish you did live near us. First, we could
    have tea. Second, I would trust you with Nicholas,
    and I am sure you would allow me some time with him.

  4. Mistress Maddie,

    Nicholas' owner strikes me as a little passive.
    If it were me, I would tell this person he is living
    with to shove it and take Nicholas home. I have a
    feeling that will be the outcome. Thanks for the into
    about shelters, I will look. And, yes, if you were
    near us, I would trust you with Nicholas, and I am
    sure, his owner, also named David (like my hubby)
    would approve. And then I could have some down time
    with him. I cannot take him because I am allergic,
    If we had Nicholas 24/7 I would need an inhaler.

    Have a Manhattan after work, darling!
