Monday, December 26, 2022

"I Won't Go, Until I Get Some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                         No, that is not the start of a Staten Island landfill.  That is Figgy Pudding, a Christmas holiday desert, celebrated in song.  As perfect as our Christmas was yesterday, would you believe there was no Figgy Pudding????????????   The recipe is right on the Internet.

                           Come to think of it, as of yet, I have not received "two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pair tree."  Have holiday traditions gone down the drain????????????????

                             So, Happy Day After Christmas, darlings!  And remember, anyone can have their own Figgy Pudding!


  1. Figgy pudding?!?!?

    Good grief, I thought that was a meatloaf on fire.

  2. Mistress Maddie,
    That is a more charitable assessment than
    what I first thought it was!
