Saturday, December 31, 2022

What Are You Doing New Years Eve, Darlings????????????????????

                          Anyone reding this blog today knows pretty much how our New Year's Eve will go.  The movie, maybe Judge Judy, the news, the ball drop, then bed.

                         As for bubbly, I couldn't say.  I would settle for flavored sparkling water, or maybe some apple cider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         May all you out there have a fabulous lead-in to 2023, which I hope improves upon 2022, which, for us, was not a bad year, anyway, but my wishes go out to those who cannot say that.

                         But, darlings, party like it is 1999!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         If you can remember back that far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ✨🎇🎆✨

    I have dinner out with friends, and a small intimate cocktail party and overnight stay for tonight, then I cook dinner of Pork and Sauerkraut for the family tomorrow. Then the night will end with the New Year's movie The Poseidon Adventure. Nothing says New Year's like watching Shelly Winters' big ass hanging on for dear life before she slides across the floor as the cruise liner capsizes. Happy New Year!!!!

  2. Mistress Madde,
    Hearing from you is like hearing from
    Bette Davis--say, as the transformed Charlotte Vale.
    God forbid the before!

    Your plans sound splendid. Credit to you for originality--
    "The Poseidon Adventure" as a New Year's movie? Just the scene
    where she actually swims underwater earned her, I think, an Oscar
    nomination. If not, she should have been.

    Speaking of Winters, I could not bear to watch "A Patch Of Blue"
    a second time. Too wrenching!

    Wishing you happiness and glamour in 2023!

  3. I’m always interested in how people celebrate.
    I was never a partier, and I’m even More boring now!!!

  4. Victoria,

    I cannot recall the last time I went to
    a New Year's Eve party. A quiet evening at
    home, with thee TV, and watching the ball drop is fine
    for me!
