Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Yes, Darlings, It Is Time To Say Farewell To Autumn

                        Though it feels as though Winter has been here for two weeks, today, as I was taught, is actually the last day of Autumn.

                         Which brings us to that ambivalent period called the Winter Solstice.  Is tomorrow the shortest day, or the longest night, or is it, as I was taught, December 22?   In any case, tomorrow is the first day of Winter, and it will be acknowledged here.

                             And what an interesting season it has been.  Two bouts of Covid, our third viewing of "Funny Girl" on Broadway, a birthday and Thanksgiving plagued by illness, but still enjoyable, and I am trying to break my record for books read in a year and coming damn close.  We shall see; I still have eleven days.

                               Hope your Autumn was soft and romantic, and that the coming Winter is warm and cozy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Season's Greetings, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. welcome Winter, my Favorite season!

  2. Victoria,
    Winter is your favorite season?
    For me, it is a tossup between Spring and Summer.
    The first because the cold vanishes, the second because
    I still cling to childhood illusions of it being a magical
