Thursday, January 26, 2023

"And Then I Saw 'The Red Shoes,' And I Wanted To Be That Lady, That Redhead!"

                          When I saw "A Chorus Line" for the first time, on October 25, 1975, what resonated with me the most is how more like the cast members I was than I thought being different.  And the first revelation came when Kelly (than Carole) Bishop, as Sheila, spoke those lines.

                            I understood, because I too saw "The Red Shoes," at about age 13.  And though I don't dance, I understand the impetus that drives all in the performing arts.  So, like Kelly/Sheila, I too wanted to be Moira Shearer in the movie.

                              Except for that ending. Now, I understand that it works for the cinematic romanticism of the movie; the whole Leo Tolstoy/"Anna Karenina" thing, not to mention that the titular shoes, as in the Hans Christian Andersen story, have the power to destroy.

                                 But suicide over being unable to choose between Boris and dance, and Julian Krastner?  Oh, my God!  Of course, I would dance for Anton Walbrook, because Krastner, as played by Marius Goring in the film, is such a wuss, I would dance away from him as soon as possible.  This is my personal fallacy with the film, but it does not stop me from enjoying it.  And when Moira ascends those stairs...girls, I am telling you, if that happens, we had all better wear our special capes.

                                   Mine would be red.  Just like the shoes.


  1. Oh my goodness what a treat! Just two weeks ago on Saturday afternoon TCM played The Red Shoes. I never seen it I decided to watch it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Of course it was a let down come at the end of the movie. And last week I saw for the first time Vivian Leigh in Waterloo Bridge. The ending of that movie could beset of the same. A sad ending.

  2. So many young people, and not so young people, long to be On Stage, On Camera.
    Is it any wonder that Social Media has taken over in the way that it has.

  3. Mistress Maddie,
    How nice to hear from you. I have not
    seen "The Red Shoes" in years, but I did see
    it on the big screen at the Film Forum. So sad,
    but how could she have become twisted by love
    for Marius Goring? He was such a wuss.

    My husband David claims Vivien Leigh as his favorite actress.
    He has seen "Waterloo Bridge," I haven't. I understand it is a tear
    jerker, so I am ready.

    Happy New Year, and stay young, sweetie!
