Thursday, January 5, 2023

Girls, What If Todd Haynes Did A Gender Reversal On "Now, Voyager????????????????????"

                         This potential project could be the most fun, darlings, since 2015's "Carol," which taught us the importance of creamed spinach, poached eggs, and a martini.

                         You don't think there are gay male spinsters?  Ah, but there are.  I knew, because I almost became one.

                         And, yes, to reverse "Now, Voyager," the lead would have to be gay.

                          Here is how it would work.  It would still be set in Boston of the 1940's.  The family would still be the Vales.  Charlotte would become Charlie, a pale, thin, desiccated man, dominated by his father, who plays the role like Gladys Cooper.  Of course, that is the role I want to play.  Sister Lisa becomes Leon, daughter June becomes Jay, and Elliot Livingston becomes Eleanor.  Most importantly, Dr. Jaquith is played by a woman, and what better choice than Meryl Streep?  Lastly, the tragic Tina becomes Timmy.

                            Think what fun the actors would have.  Todd could have the biggest hit since "Carol."  "Now, Voyager" stresses the importance of afternoon tea, and lighting cigarettes.

                             It would be great if the Max Steiner score could be used.  If not, I nominate Thomas Newman, or Carter Burwell, who worked on "Carol," and might find an approximation.

                            But, really, girls, it is time "Now, Voyager" got its due.  And Todd, dear, you need another hit.  It has been eight years since "Carol."

                             Don't ask for the stars, dear, when you don't yet have the moon!