Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Girls, Who Needs A Gay Bar In Midtown???????????? This Is The Perfect Meeting Spot For Single Theater Queens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      This past Sunday, David and I ventured into the city to see his birthday present show, "Kimberly Akimbo," with Victoria Clark.  I promise I will do a post on that later this week, as I am still processing the experience.

                          EnRoute to the Booth Theatre, on West 45th Street, we passed The Museum Of Broadway, at 145 West 45th Street, and could not resist stopping by.  We did not go into the museum proper, just the lobby and the gift shops.  And even there, there was action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Girls, I have never seen so many Theater Queens crammed into one space since the first time I saw "Julie and Julia," back in 2009.  The place was crawling with them, like cockroaches.  Although there was one straight couple, who dared to kiss in this place--straights kissing among Theater Queens, can you imagine??????????

                            Yes, the museum is for everyone, but give the poor Theater Queen a chance.  They may own all the shows but are lonely and embittered.  l know, because I have been there, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                             Unfortunately, they don't serve drinks here; at least as far as I know.  They really should.

                               For single Theater Queens, I am telling you, this is the new meeting place in town!

                              You might meet the love of your life here!  How romantic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Hey, YOU met the love of your life, you never know!!!

  2. I DO feel for all the lonely embittered souls tho

  3. Victoria,
    I think it is a perfect opportunity place.
    And I too feel for all the lonely, embittered souls.
    As I learned, it happens when least expected.

  4. Wish there was some way we could facilitate these potential romances, gay OR straight!!!
    Makes me sad knowing how many desperately lonely singles are out there!!!
    We’d be good at it, and wouldn’t do it for financial gain but as a gift to humanity!!
    Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match...

  5. Victoria,
    I have always fancied myself a matchmaker.
    I have a friend who I would love to set up with
    someone I know, but I don't think one of them would
    go for it.

  6. Oh yeah, who??
    Email me; I will weigh in!!

  7. Victoria,
    When I have a chance, I will tell you
    the whole story.
