Friday, January 27, 2023

This Is An Insult To Drag Queens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Not just them, darlings, but the whole LGBQT and transgender communities.

                        Take a look at George Santos.  He is just plain plug ugly.  Even with make-up, an outfit, and accessories, he could never look as good the queen on the right.   So, who the hell is he kidding?  With that paunch?  Maybe he could do Totie Fields, or try to, lacking her wit and humor.

                           Really, George, what are you going to try next?  And citing Baruch College as your alma matter?  Nothing against Baruch College, darlings, but why not the Ivies, George?  Did you really think you would never get found out?

                             Leonardo Di Capprio, who I don't praise often, did such a great job with "Catch Me If You Can." If George is aiming for a movie of his life, forget it!  And who the hell would play him?  Or want to?

                              As a man, you are phonier than Lin-Manuel Miranda.  As a drag queen, you are worse.  Get off that phony stage of yours, George.  You belong in the same home as Baby Jane!

                               Meanwhile, darlings, I am the REAL star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm just waiting for George Santos to go head to head with Lady Bunny. She castrate them!

  2. You’ll have to catch me up on this Santos guy; did he get in over his head and start fibbing and it got out of hand, or is he some sort of narcissistic sociopath
    Or sociopathic narcissist lol

  3. Mistress Maddie,
    I would love to see that. But does he really
    have anything to castrate?

  4. Victoria,
    Well, he is a narcissist. I don't have enough
    on him to deduce him a psycho or socio path.
    He does have pathological traits. What is scary
    is they got him this far.
