Wednesday, January 11, 2023

This Is What I Want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             My first doctor visit of 2023 was to the eye doctor, and David and I had this discussion that I need a new prescription.  I have more of a problem with distance than up close--I am now writing this post without my glasses, darlings--and I have been reading without glasses for the better part of a year.  I have not done this since third grade.  I am told my paternal grandmother's eyes changed in this way, so I guess maybe it is something I inherited.

                               Now, girls, if one is getting a new prescription, we have to talk about fashion here, In with the new, out with the old.  What I want is a pair of glasses like those shone above.  I have seen people wearing such, but where in the hell am I supposed to get them?  I mean, you know?

                                I am The Raving Queen, so it is time to bring out the flambe when I walk into the room.  Not that it isn't already there, girls, but this will give things an added boost.  Maybe I can finally have lunch with ANNA.

                                 And think how they will go with me watching a screening of "Blue Velvet!"


  1. He wore Blue....Velvet
    Bluer than velvet...was the night...
    Love those glasses!
    But where to find??
    We just took Mother over to Norfolk for an eye doctor appointment.
    She wanted a second opinion.
    I’m afraid she’s going to have to accept that at ninety years old, one’s vision is simply deteriorating.

  2. Victoria,
    Wish me luck on finding those frames.
    I have seen them about. So....will let you know.

    I feel for what you are going through with your mother.
    I saw my mother go through it with hers.
    Which is why I say do it now...while one can!

  3. Found them for you, but they might not be available in your size or with prescription lenses. Perhaps you can ask your eyeglass supplier for something similar: I found several very close matches from the makers Zennio and Ottoto Meneghin that are shockingly affordable, and a couple from Ray Ban and Armani if you'd rather pay $200 for instead of $40.

  4. My Dear,
    First, David thanks you for the lovely birthday card.
    I looked into your link, and you were right, these were
    for children. How come they get all the style? Anyway,
    David and I are going to look further, because I want
    something different, colorful and stylish. I am, after all,
    The Raving Queen.
