Wednesday, February 15, 2023

A Belated Valentine From Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        David and I had a quiet Valentine's Day, girls, with dinner at our favorite Spanish restaurant, and an exchange of cards and chocolates.  But then I got a surprise from Cujo, the lovable boxer who has stolen my heart, and with whom I have a special bond.

                           Originally, David and I wanted to go to Peppino's.  Though closed on Tuesdays, we thought the day being Valentine's Day, they might make an exception. They did not.

                           But we were on the corner of 77th and Third, and suddenly heard the loud barking of a dog.  After several barks, David remarked it sounded like Cujo, and after a few more I had to agree. The sun was setting, so I was surprised he would be out this late.  I ran to the house, and as soon as I saw him, I called out, his ears perked up, and we had a nice visit.  Cujo had seen me on the street, recognized me, and was calling out for me to come see him!  Which I did, and it made my day.  Cujo wishing me a Happy Valentine's Day.

                             Many on here have asked about Cujo, so I can tell you he is looking and feeling fine.  He sends you all belated Valentine's Day wishes.

                               Love you, Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I LOVE all your animal friends!
    They do seem to sense when we need a lift!!

  2. Victoria,
    There is something uncanny about how they
    know if I am worried or going to the docor.
