Thursday, February 2, 2023

Even When Anthony Perkins Dressed As "Mother Bates," He Was Still More Attractive Than George Santos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Which is why I cannot believe the lie that George Santos was a competing drag queen.  Who the hell would choose him?  Even out of drag, he is not much to look at.

                             If his lies had not been exposed--shades of Eve Harrington!!!!!!!!--I would label him a dangerous closet case.  He may be a closet case, but he is not fooling anyone.  Except the Republican party, who, God forgive me, have enough wack jobs in their organization to outdo anyone in politics.

                              I mean, take a look at Marjorie Taylor Greene.  It would not surprise me if she turns out to be a man in drag.  Or even a Christine Jorgensen type who had a sex change.  And while she is not much to look at, she is a sight better than Santos.  The best that can be said for her is that her lies are outright.  Santos' are so far-fetched, no one will believe him.

                                Even Perkins' fashion taste is better than Santos.

                                He can't impersonate anyone or thing properly!

                                  So, why are so many still behind him?



  1. "So why are so many still behind him?"

    Oh, please. Nobody's actually supporting that twit, or buying any of his nonsense since he was exposed weeks ago.

    Insult the clown Santos all you want, he deserves it, BUT people on our side really need to stop pretending like this is some unprecedented outrage or that we have zero such creeps in our owns ranks.

    Santos is a liar and a fool (also some kind of genius to pull off simultaneously being closeted yet appearing with impunity in drag at parades). However, his stupid obvious personal lies don't actively harm anyone but himself (and the egos of voters he duped). As opposed to the alarming number of virulently racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, anti-feminist cretins we harbor in OUR aisle. Particularly those with alleged Ivy League educations who blithely vote for destructive legislation, the true impact of which they don't come close to understanding (and don't care enough to even assign an intern to research for them).

    We tolerate (and often defend the indefensible behavior of) these goons because they're OUR goons and we need their sheer numbers to rule the world as Nancy Pelosi (cough, Hakeem Jeffries, cough, Andrea Stewart Cousins) sees fit. Its more than a little disingenuous of the media to keep carping on "why won't the GOP throw out Santos?" Because if OUR side had the same razor thin majority, no one would remotely question keeping OUR embodiments of utter evil in their seats no matter what poison they propagate thru their Twitter feeds. Hell, we keep (and defend!) the rotten apples even when we have a supermajority.

    So ya know... glass houses, stones, etc. Not to say dummy Santos shouldn't voluntarily GTFO already: cut your losses and disappear, Mary Sue. Its over.

  2. My Dear,

    The problem with Nancy Pelosi is she needs a makeover, like
    Sandra Harrison in "Blood Of Dracula." Then she wouldn't look
    like a walking corpse.

    The whole George Santos thing reminds me of "Catch Me If You Can,"
    done as a film and a flop Bway musical. I avoided both.

    You are right; there are wackos on both sides. But none of them should get away with it, and Santos is really pushing the button. Some call Santos a closet case. I disagree. He should have been left in the closet!

  3. You DO say there is nothing more dangerous than a closet case!!
