Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Happy Ash Wednesday, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Yes, girls, it is that time of year--the beginning of Lent, when fasting and abstinence rule.  This year, I am giving up chocolate, which can only help my A1C.   But I am also making an effort to be more participatory in church matters.  I may go and receive ashes at 3PM today. Who knows.

                                  Anyway, it is a beginning.

                                   Lent does start the holiest time of the year for us, even if Christmas does upstage it for religiosity and pageantry.  But don't forget Yvonne Elliman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Wishing all on here a joyous Lenten season.  

                                     And remember, you don't have to be Catholic to celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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