Wednesday, February 8, 2023

"My Name Is Barbra----" NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Oh, my God, girls!  Precious darlings!  This is the news the world has been awaiting!  On November 7, it will get the unexpurgated memoir of.... BARBRA STREISAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Imagine--in my birthday month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I am sure queens all over New York, let alone the world, have already ordered their copies online.  Me, I am taking my time with this one.  I have lived with BARBRA since age 9, have heard all the albums, seen many of the iconic movies, (I do have to see "Yentl")  so much so that I feel like I AM BARBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Apparently, BARBRA has a lot to say, because the volume is a whopping 1,040 pages!  Of BARBRA!  How much can even acolytes stand?

                                       My dears, hold your breath on this one.  If you want to read something more informative than BARBRA, start at the beginning of this blog, which will be 16 years old come April 7, and read forward, which I am sure amounts to more than 1,040 pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          And with so much you can learn.  As I do, writing for you, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You know I’LL be reading it!!

    Hey do you think I should attempt the new Bret Easton Ellis novel
    I think I’ve had about enough of him at this point

  2. Victoria,
    Well, you read it, and let me know if it is worth it.
    I feel like I know all about BARBRA!

    As for Bret Easton Ellis, I am struggling with that too.
    Especially since I was working on a Brat Pack project
    several years ago, which I abandoned.

    I have read the book is a series of his same old tropes.
    I want to, but is it worth it?
