Monday, February 13, 2023

This Post Was Meant For Yesterday, Darlings, But.........

                                  I will demonstrate that a leopard can change its spots.  This was intended for yesterday, which was Super Bowl Sunday.  I was going to say what bullshit it all is, what with sports figures getting overpaid, and the vulgar displays of behavior by fans at these types of events.  I would always say this behavior is never seen at the theater, opera, concert hall or ballet.  And those artists are grossly underpaid.

                                     That last statement still applies, but I have changed my mind on the second.  Over the weekend, I read an article on the Playbill website about the abuse Broadway ushers have to take.  This includes harassing them, or talking back to or belittling them, people getting plotzo drunk, and vomiting in the aisles.  After reading this, I wouldn't work as a Broadway usher if I was asked.

                                      So, the behavior does not extend to just sporting events.  But what has come over our culture?  What has happened to human decency.  Is it Covid?  The internet?  The loosening of values that children are now not raised on?

                                       Or maybe it is all of the above.  

                                       It is enough having to fear walking the streets these days.  But inside an entertainment center, where one just wants to sit back and enjoy?

                                     Bullshit is not confined to Super Bowl Sunday, or even sports.  Unfortunately, it is everywhere.

                                       Let's try to keep it out, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hmm I’d work as an usher, but only as a volunteer.
    That way I could simply walk out if I was harassed.

  2. Victoria,

    I have done volunteer ushering, and never had any
    problems, but that was before this period of time.
    So glad to hear from you; I had been worried.

    Oh, yes, in a situation like that, I would walk
    out, too. But not before bringing to the house
    manager's attention.
