Friday, March 10, 2023

A Sad Farewell To Our Beloved Seamus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Seamus has finally left this world, darlings.  I got a call yesterday from a friend I know who is close to Seamus' owners, Deidre and Michael Butler, the former who ran Paws Truly pet shop for at least eight years, then switched locales to Apple Tree, a health food store in Bay Ridge, where Seamus paired with Nicholas, the cat.  But let me tell you, as far as pet selling was concerned, Seamus ran the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            He was also a fixture at Bay Ridge's annual St. Patrick's Day Parade, and let me tell you, the event has not been the same without him.  Not only should there be a memorial service for him at St. Anselm's, but there should also be a tribute to him in the parade.

                           It seemed like Seamus would never die, which makes me all the sadder he did.  But he was sixteen years old, longer than a dog his size usually lives, and no dog got more love or better care than did Seamus Butler.  As happy as this picture makes me feel, today it is heartbreaking.

                            Thank you, Seamus, Deidre and Michael, for letting me love Seamus as much as I did.  I will always love him, and keep him in my heart, as will David.  And that goes for the two of you as well.

                               Be at peace, Seamus.  And know your love enriched many.


  1. Well, we knew this was coming, but somehow it doesn’t make it any easier.
    Sometimes it seems like I grieve animals more than People.
    They give us pure joy and unconditional LOVE
    I’m holding my little blind Yorkie as I write this; both my dogs have exceeded their lifespan.
    I can hardly bear to think about it

  2. Victoria,
    My heart goes out to you and your Yorkies.
    But Seamus will always be loved and remembered by
    David and I. I really feel for his owners. No dog
    got more love and care.
