Friday, March 24, 2023

Everyone Wants To Get Into The Celebratory Spirit Of Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Who can be blamed for celebrating Spring?  Isn't this cow cute, girls?   It escaped from some animal sanctuary--I wonder why? --and was found scurrying through Brooklyn.  Unfortunately, it did not run through Bay Ridge, but confined its travels to Sheepshead Bay and Canarsie.

                          Not since Barney The Bull has anything bovine caused so much excitement.  I just hope the cow enjoyed his Spring jaunt and is returned safely to where he came from.

                             Hey, maybe his milk supply was low, and he needed some from the supermarket!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. guess they have to change it to COWS head bay!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Not a bad idea. I just wish the cow had
    come through Bay Ridge. I would love to have
    seen it.
