Friday, March 17, 2023

Greetings From Sparky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Now, girls, you may not know Sparky, but let me explain.   She is the lovable parrot, owned by Deidre and Michael Butler, owners of the late Seamus Butler.  Sparky was an important part of Paws Truly, too, in tandem with Seamus.  She had to warm up to you, but once she did, I had a friend. Which is what Sparky was, to me.  Don't worry, girls, she is very much alive and well.  This post was meant to be a balm for those sad over the loss of Seamus.

                                 I used to walk into the shop, and Sparky would call out "Hello!"  If I called her a pretty bird, she would answer back "Pretty bird!"  She knew a compliment when she heard one.

                                  Most of all, Sparky loved when I fed her either pasta or peanuts!  She loved them both! And she took them from my hand so gently!  How I miss feeding them to her now.  But Sparky is now living in New Jersey.  I can only hope she comes back for a visit.

                                 But Sparky sends love and greetings to all, because love is what she is all about.  I am sure she misses Seamus, too!

                                 Love you, Sparky!  Keep us fans of yours cheering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I love ALL your animal friends, past and present!!!

  2. Victoria,
    They have made living in Bay Ridge memorable.
    I have not seen Dexter in two weeks, am looking forward to
    spending some time with him.
