Thursday, March 2, 2023

Happy Fifty- Eighth Anniversary To "The Sound Of Music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            Isn't that a gorgeous shot, girls?  Just one of many that made "The Sound Of Music," which premiered on this date, an iconic film.  The sad thing is two of the children in this picture are gone--Charmian Carr, right behind Julie, and Heather Menzies, third behind Julie.  Heather was my favorite; at the time I saw the film I wanted to be her!

                             Imagine that first night audience.  They must have gasped aloud at the breathtaking scenery.  And then, when the camera zeroed in on Julie, and she let loose with that twirl and that magnificent voice, well, the world was stunned.

                               And continues to be, each time this film is seen.  It is meant for the big screen, so those having not seen it that way need to.  If a theater offers a screening, run, do not walk, or you will be sold out due to other SOM fans.

                                Why not celebrate today?  If you have the film on DVD, watch it.

                                  There is no better time.

                                    Happy, Happy, to "The Sound Of Music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. I’ve lost count of the number of viewings!!
    Gets me EVERY time; the exhilarating emotions,.
    I have NEVER Not Wept!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Me, too! And I love seeing it with an
    audience on the big screen, because when the
    camera first zeroes in on Julie, applause, breaks out.

  3. Definitely the big-screen experience!!
    At Least once!!!
