Monday, March 20, 2023

How Low Can One Go, In Bay Ridge?????????????????????????

                    So, girls, it was Saturday, we were doing our chores, and one of them was to deliver a book I had read to one of the Little Free Libraries on Ovington Avenue.  Sometimes I even find a book I want in one of these.

                     To our utter disillusionment, on the one nearest Ovington Avenue, was a note informing donators that during the night thieves had been stealing books from these venues, which is why they were so empty.  Nevertheless, we put my book in, hoping some deserving person would get it.

                       Then we proceeded to the library further down near Ridge Boulevard which generally contains better, literary material.   It, too, was empty.  I could not believe this.  Even worse, when we were proceeding home on Ridge, we discovered that the children's free library was also pretty empty.

                         How low can one go?  Stealing books out of a free library?  And stealing children's books?  That's like stealing from the poor box in a Catholic church, and there is not much in there, anyway!!!!!!!!!!

                          What do these so-called thieves do with these books?  They certainly don't read them, or give them out to children!  And, really, how much money can one expect to get from such merchandise.

                              Where are the cops?  Who cares about stolen books?  This is what our culture, and now our neighborhood, has come to????????????

                                Forget "Three Coins In The Fountain," darlings.  Soon, thieves will be scooping coins out of fountains!

                                   If they aren't already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wow, so sleazy.
    Even among criminals, there is a Code of Conduct!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Really! And this is done in the dark of night.
    Who wants to be out roaming the streets at that hour?
    Just to steal books? I cannot fathom this.

  3. My friend who lives in an apartment complex says she can’t leave anything on her patio, it’ll be Gone.
    Not even a Doormat!!!

  4. Victoria,
    We have even had door decorations stolen
    from us. What is wrong with people?
