Thursday, March 2, 2023

I Know It Is Not Easter, Darlings, But Lest We Forget......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          My annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette" is not till April 9, which is Easter, but I wanted to remind all on here that today is the birthday of the actress who won an Oscar for this role--Jennifer Jones.

                           She led quite a life, making it till 90.  She would have been 104 today, which is pretty much impossible.  Sad that she has been gone for 14 years.

                            But, hey, if you want to celebrate by watching 'Bernadette' or any of her other films, why not??????????????????

                               Happy Birthday to Jennifer Jones, who never shall be forgotten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for reminding us!!
    Makes me sad to see that the young people are not aware of her it seems.

  2. Victoria,
    Before retiring I had a coworker ask me who she was.
    I did not know what to say. I wanted to say, if you
    don't know things like that, or care, what are you doing here?

  3. I can forgive the ignorance, but not the apathy
