Friday, March 17, 2023

My Apologies For Not Being On Here, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Darlings, the last couple of days have been frantic, so how could I even get near a computer?  On Wednesday, David had to prep for his colonoscopy, which was held yesterday; we had to be at the test center by 7:30AM, so we had to get up at 5AM.  Can you believe it?  Darlings, I was not cut out for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         The good part is David sailed through, was told not to come back until the standard five years, and we got to go home, and rest for the day.  I slept for about four hours, which is unusual for me, and last night I slept five hours through the night, which is also unusual for me.  I must be in need of sleep, which is fine with me, because once I am out, the rest is blissful.

                          But there were two posts I meant to write on here, so I am going to give them in a two-for-one presentation.


              The Ides Of March--It was this past Wednesday.  We are always warned to beware this date, but I am happy to report that on this year's Ides, nothing out of the ordinary happened.  Still, it is especially important to keep your eyes and wits about you, particularly if one is venturing out into what is now the Wild West that is New York City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                         Yesterday was the 60th--that is sixty years ago, darlings!!!!!!!!!!---Anniversary of My First Holy Communion.  Ah, the memories of that day.  To think, I was only 8 years old, and I had absolutely no idea what was ahead for me!   Looking back, I wonder if I would have done things differently.  But had I, it would not have brought me to the wonderful place I am now, so I can only look back on this day with joy.  I am certain Sister Camille would consider this occasion celebratory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             So, now you are all brought up to date, dolls, here is what follows!

1 comment:

  1. haha like we were saying, all our lives we had to get up Early EVERY weekday; now when we have to do it once in a while it’s a tremendous effort!!!!
