Friday, March 31, 2023

Stay The Hell Away From Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Bay Ridge--hell, the borough of Brooklyn--is chock-a-block with Italian restaurants, and I love to sample new ones.  Having sampled Sofia's last night, I can only suggest you stay away, girls!

                          As David has said, Covid has made changes in our lives.  No more being seeing and socializing at Cipriani's by The Raving Queen; now it has been reduced to socializing in Brooklyn.  And the quality of service has decreased due to staff shortages.

                            Which may explain why the service here was so poor. And we did have a large party.  But when one member had to get up, and ask the waiter to come over, so we could order, something is very wrong.  Where is the manager?

                                  I will say this, it has a romantic atmosphere.  But the cuisine is sub-par.  It is one cut above what the same dish would be like if served in a diner or pizzeria.   And yet, Sofia's passes itself off as a high-end place.

                                   Maybe at one time.  Maybe it is living off a past reputation.  But it will never equal our two favorites--Positano's and Peppino's.

                                      I had Spaghetti Bolognese.  The sauce was obviously from a jar, and I could have had the same thing, with better service, and cheaper, at the Off Shore Diner..

                                       Excerpt for the atmosphere, Sofia's had nothing going for it.

                                        Remember John Mahoney in "Moonstruck?"  He would have thrown water in every staff member's face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. aww I am so sorry it was disappointing.
    So Expensive too.
    There are lots of good Italian places around here.
    Mexican too.
    We’ve had fun trying them all!!!

  2. I’m pretty easy to please, as far as food, service and ambiance.
    However If an overly perfumed person Is seated near me, it affects me.
    I actually had an allergic reaction one time!!

  3. Victoria,
    That can be a problem, especially in small
    places. It was one problem we did not have this night.
    But the food and service were terrible. You learn through
    discovery, and I learned not to go back there again.
