Friday, March 31, 2023

This Just May Have Been Gwyneth Paltrow's Best Perfomance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Poor Blythe.  She does the best she can, raising a daughter, sending her to Spence, and look how things turn out.

                             The whole Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Trial was a joke.  The moment Terry Sanderson collided with her, knowing who she was, he thought he had hit pay dirt.  Well, guess what, slimeball, the joke is on you.

                               Now, I am no fan of Gwyneth.  I do not even consider her an actress anymore; more of an "influencer," with GOOP, and the smell of her vagina candle!  Who could take her seriously now?

                                But she pulled out all stops in court.  Someone should edit the whole thing into a camp documentary film that might net Gwyneth the Oscar she deserves, instead of the one she did not, for 1998's "Shakespeare In Love."  Her dead grandfather is still embarrassed.

                                   I have to give her one thing.  The hair was perfect.  Even if she sometimes looked like Joan Didion on a bender.  And Blythe was smart to stay away.

                                      As to the outcome, I am with Gwyneth.

                                      For what may be the only time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Agreed!! Team Gwyneth!!
    Never thought I’d say it!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Me too! But you just cannot deny the guy was
    out for easy cash once he discovered who she was!
    I am with Gwyneth, and like you never thought I would say it!
