Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Welcome To March, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are We Ready For Our Springtime Finery, Girls???????????????????

                                        Time to check our closets again, for March has arrived.  It is coming in, for me, at least, as a lion of worry.  I am worried about David, who on the 16th, is going to have a colonoscopy and endoscopy, and whenever. either of us has a procedure, I worry.

                                          I am having left ear problems, and need to be irrigated, but I cannot get an appointment until April 28.  Can you believe it?  On the 28th of this month, I have an appointment with a doctor I dislike who poo poos all my efforts to control my diabetes and puts down my endocrinologist who I have been with for years, and trust.  Should I cancel the appointment, girls???????????

                                            Of course, there is also St. Patrick's Day, The Annunciation, and promises and experiences yet unseen and fulfilled.  Looking forward to those the best.

                                              May March be good to us all!  Be a lamb, not a lion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yes let us march into a great MARCH!!
    I am concerned about Both of you; routine or not, I never take these procedures lightly!!
    as for doctors, you have had some Doozies!!
    I guess I have too.

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for your concern. As for doctors, some of mine
    are good, but one I am cancelling an appointment with, because all she does is put down my endocrinologist, whom I have had great results with. This other doctor wants me at 160, and a very sparse diet. I do not want to be anorexic. So I am going to cancel my appointment and then tell my endocrinologist. why.
