Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Happy Passover, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     "Kasha, Varnishkes Kasha!  Varnishkes Kasha!!"

                                      Yes, dears, it is time to sing that again, as well as thinking of Yvonne De Carolo as Sephora, and Debra Paget--oh, my God! Debra Paget--as Lilia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         To each his own, on this day, dolls, but it is a celebratory one for everyone, with food, stories, the parting of the Red Sea; I mean, Passover has it all!

                                            David and I will enjoy a quiet, humble seder!

                                            May your Passover be joyous and blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Here is the ultimate Passover video, with Christine Pedi as Liza Minnelli and Michael West, as Larry King!  Enjoy!


  1. I’ve been to a few Seders, not every year tho
    They had one at the retirement community.
    I did not go; I just couldn’t do it. It’s too sad over there.
    We’ll definitely be there on Easter Sunday.

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, those places are sad. Be there for your
    mother on Easter. It will make her happy.
