Friday, April 7, 2023

Sweet Sixteen, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       No, not me.  I wish; though, looking back, my adolescence wasn't exactly the one I thought I wanted.  But then, whose is?

                        I am talking about this blog.  Today, The Raving Queen turns 16, and I am proud to say I have been at it, since 2007, when boredom, anxiety, and maybe a touch of "Julie and Julia," resulted in the creation of this blog, which has delighted many, and which I have kept at as rapid a pace as I can.

                          Really, where else would you find someone able to connect the film "Blood Of Dracula" with "The Sound Of Music?"  And that's just for starters.

                           Baby Gojira is so happy for me, and I want to share that happiness with all you readers who have endured over the years.  Thank you for supporting me.

                             Here is to sixteen more years of The Raving Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           And what better way to cap this off than "Sixteen Going on Seventeen," from "The Sound Of Music?"


  1. Happy Blogiversary!
    Glad I found your spot!

  2. Bob,
    Thank you for those very kind words!

    RAVE ON, “blog friend”!!!
    I know I’ve said this before but, I consider you an ACTUAL FRIEND!!!

  4. Victoria,
    As do David and I. Whenever we don't hear from
    you David asks about you, and I go searching.
    Happy to have you here, Victoria!
