Sunday, April 30, 2023

The April Fools Were Out This Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Can you believe we are now through one-third of 2023??????????????

                             The April Fools were out, but lots of good things happened this month--Easter, the annual viewing of "The Song Of Bernadette," a well-done local production of "Lost In Yonkers," and, best of all, the wax buildup in my left ear, which was plugging my hearing is finally gone, thanks to a wonderful doctor here in Bay Ridge.  I feel almost reborn.  And my voice is back.

                             So, April, despite its sadness, was a pretty good month.  Though today is a double-edged sword day.  It is my father's birthday.  He passed away five years ago.  But it is also the sixth anniversary of my childhood friend, Doug's passing, and with my 50th high school reunion staring me in the face, that is doubly said.  Hard to believe all that time has passed.

                              The pretty bird pictured helps us bid a fond farewell to April, which turned out better than I could have hoped.

                                See you all next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Love that picture!!
    It does lift my spirits
    We need all the beauty and color and sweetness we can get, when emotions weigh heavy

  2. Victoria,
    Glad you loved it. I thought it was perfect
    to welcome in the month. It lifted my spirits, too.
