Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Girls, Let's Vist The Island Of Dead Dolls, In Mexico City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Who would have thought, darlings, that I would have had any reason or desire to go to Mexico?  But the Island Of Dead Dolls, which I only recently heard about, is fascinating.  A macabre collection of dolls somewhere in a large city.  An island unto itself. It sounds eerie and fascinating; just  the perfect trip for all us girls.

                              I don't know much about Mexico, outside of Tijuana, and "The Night Of The Iguana," and I am telling you, both did not give me a good opinion of the place.  But now with this, I cannot wait to go there, and see this macabre collection.

                               No to mention how it started, and why.

                                Girls, make sure all your dolls do not end up here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’ve heard of it!!
    You know me, I’d not only go, I would spend the night there!!!
    We could film our own horror movie!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    It was referenced in a book I recnetly read.
    I looked it up, and of course I want to go.
    Yes, we could make the next "Blair Witch Project!"
