Monday, May 1, 2023

Time To Welcome A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I see the follower indicator is at 128, which means, girls, it is time to welcome a new reader. The reader calls themselves Ezhil, so welcome to The Raving Queen, Ezhil.  I am glad you found your way here, and hope you find the material entertaining and engaging.  I aim to please.

                                  You will find this blog goes great with coffee, always by my side while writing, so imbibe whatever hot drink you choose while reading.

                                   All my girls welcome you warmly, Ezhil, and I do, too.  Feel free to comment on here, anytime.

                                   And now for this blog's unofficial welcoming theme--Deborah Hary singing "Call Me!'

                                         Enjoy, and welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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