Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Today Is The REAL Memorial Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I know, I know.  And I hope all of you had Happy Memorial Day weekends.  I forget when it was arranged that the holiday would fall on a Monday, so that everyone would always have a three-day weekend, rather than break up a work week, and I suppose that makes sense, but I cannot forget that the day, when I was growing up, was always celebrated on May 30.

                              And it did unofficially start Summer, because the day would start with a huge--then--parade in my hometown of Highland Park, NJ--the biggest event of the year--and then we would go over to my grandmother's house on Nassau Street in North Brunswick, and all of us would sit on the front porch, and watch as a parade marched from Livingston Avenue up to Nassau Street, passing my grandmother's house, so we got front row seating, and ending somewhere along Georges Road.

                               I know the day was yesterday, but I think of those days when it was today, and the memories of going to over to my grandparents, and my maiden Aunt Katty, who was my godmother, and favorite aunt.  So, there is always a degree of sadness to Memorial Day, recalling the past of my growing up, and the cherished memories of what was done, back then.

                                   So, whenever, and however you celebrate it, have a happy and joyful Memorial Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    As for honoring those still alive, well that is November 11--Veterans Day.  Incidentally, my paternal grandparents, mentioned above, got married on that very day--but before it was declared such--in 1911.

                                       Do your duty, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Precious memories!!
    Did you hear of the passing of Robin Wagner, set designer for A Chorus Line, Hair, and so many more!!

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, I heard of his passing last night. Had no idea he
    was that old. So many of his shows I saw.
