Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Yes, Girls, Another New Reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I had to go into Manhattan for a doctor appointment, which took up most of my day, so it was not until last night, that I noticed the follower indicator had moved to 129.  Our new reader, girls, prefers to be labeled "Unknown," which is OK, but let me welcome you, Unknown to this blog.  I hope you find it informative and entertaining.

                                      You will find information and merriment on here and discover that reading this blog goes great with coffee.  Which is right by my side, this very minute, as I write.

                                     So, on behalf of the rest of us, welcome, "Unkown."  Feel free to comment anytime.

                                      And now for this blog's unofficial

theme song-- Deborah Harry singing "Call Me!"



  1. Unknown is just fine!! Adds an air of mystery!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, it does! Hope they enjoy the blog!
