Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Girls, What Would ANNA Do???????????????????

                             I know what ANNA would do, darlings.  Being ANNA and wielding the power that she has, she would demand what she wants, and if not, would go to the source.  Which is what I would like to do, but I don't have nearly her kind of power.

                                 Being ANNA is a tough job.  But sometimes I feel as though I am ANNA, like right now.  I am in a situation that has to be resolved, and I don't know what to do.  Maybe I need a personal assistant.  Being The Raving Queen can be tough, too.

                                   So, here's the situation.  I have a ticket for "Sweeney Todd" one week from today, the Wednesday matinee on July 5.  I want to see it for many reasons, but the main ones are Josh and Ruthie.  Readers having been with me know who they are.

                                     Now, the night before, on PBS, they are going to do their annual July 4th Celebration And Concert, starting at 8PM. From Washington, D.C.  Ruthie is scheduled to be one of the performers.  You can bet I will watch, for her.  But I want to know if she will be in the matinee performance of the show, the next day.

                                          I cannot speak for Ruthie, but if it were up to me, I would do the show.

                                         No one, not Broadway Direct, not the box-office, which I cannot reach a person at, will tell me anything.  So, I have to wait till the day they post an announcement, and then try to get an exchange?  If I even can?

                                          Be careful, girls.  But don't underestimate me.  If I have to go through the stage door, and ask the crew, I will.  Or maybe leave a letter for Ruthie.

                                           What else can I do?   Help, ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              You would never be in this situation at all.

                                                Help me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I think I would still go. Just because she's doing the 4th of July show in DC doesn't mean she won't be in New York for the show on July 5th. Weather driving or by train it's only if it's only 3 to 4 hours to New York City. I'm guessing she'll be in it.

  2. I agree, she is a dynamo!!
    I think it’s likely she will do the play the next day.
    Although she DID have covid last month ...

  3. Victoria,
    Thank you for the reassurance. I have a feeling she will
    also, but I am not betting the farm.

  4. Mistress Maddie,
    Such remarkable composure. But your case makes logical sense.
    And the Washington gig is not all her; she may leave after doing her spot.
    In any case, thank you for the understanding and reassurance.
