Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Girls, You Will Not Believe This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Since St. Andrews does not do Saturday 5PM masses June through September, we decided to go to Our Lady Of Angels, which is actually closer to us. It is a visually beautiful church, but the tone there is very Gladys Cooper, if you get my drift.

                              In his sermon, the priest referred to Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, who was a rabid anti-Semite.

                               That was bad enough.  But--

                                We took a bulletin after the mass.  In there is always a weekday list of masses being said for specific people, with the date and times listed.

                                 David asked me to scan the list.  I did, seeing nothing, until I hit upon one name--

                                   Donald J, Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     That is right.  On June 14, which is his birthday, at 11:45AM. someone is having a mass said for Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         What ever happened to Separation Of Church And State??????????

                                           And this was allowed?????????????????

                                         It confirms my bad feelings about OLA.  David says we will try again one more time this Saturday.  I can give them another chance.

                                          My beef is with the person who requested the mass.  Why would you do such a thing?  Because there are more idiots out there, like you?  Then split off and form your own church, and let those of us who want to be forward thinking be so.   Or is this your idea of creating your own church?

                                               Who will be honored next?  Lindbergh?  Joe McCarthy?

                                                If this is the direction OLA is going in, I want no part of it.

                                                 We are there to honor Jesus, Mary and the saints.  Not some radical rightist.

                                                   Keep your political views out of the church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  


  1. wow. What is going ON in this world.
    Seems like an Insult, like a deliberate Violation

  2. Victoria,
    This is a disgrace. We are trying one more service at this church, and if the vibes are still bad, will go someplace else.
