Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Oh, My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What A Photo For PRIDE Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This is a photo of Anne Revere and Katherine Emery as the original Martha Dobie and Karen Wright in the original production, 1934, of Lillian Hellman's still relevant play, "The Children's Hour."  What a priceless image.

                               I cannot account for Katherine Emery, but most of my readers on here know Anne Revere as an Oscar-winning character actress, including having deserved to win for her heartrending performance as Jennifer Jones' mother in 1943's "The Song Of Bernadette."  You better be with me on that one, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  So, when I saw this photo earlier, I knew it had to be shared.

                                  The lighting, that shading!  Wouldn't it have been something to have seen this on the stage???????????????

                                    The play desperately needs a first-rate revival!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Underrated and under appreciated.
    The film too.
    Such a sad ending.
    Based on a true story

  2. Victoria,
    I did a high school project on the play, directing a scene from it.
    I learned all about the case it was based on, and it is fascinating how
    Hellman turned it into what it became.
